Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Marijuana, Flavored Cigarettes, And Well-Meaning Thugs

Remember when we were all thinking that Obama would work to at least decriminalize marijuana, the first step towards a rational drug policy? Yeah, right. And, sure he will.

We're going the other way.

Now that Obama signed the bill transferring the regulation of tobacco to the FDA, we are finally ridding ourselves of a major menace: clove cigarettes. Here's a quote from the Fourth Estate:

This particular part of the new restrictions, the cigarette flavoring ban, is specifically intended to help reduce under-age smoking, to stop the habit before it starts. Many studies have shown that the flavored cigarettes appeal most to younger people, not least of all because it masks the harshness of the inhaled smoke and thus makes it easier to start smoking.

Some responses:

  1. This is an obvious "bootleggers and Baptists" situation.
  2. Clove cigarettes are monstrously harsh when inhaled.
  3. This law will barely, if at all, dent underage smoking.
  4. "Won't somebody please think of the children?!"
  5. This is the kind of law that technocrats love. (Technocrat: New type of bureaucrat; intensely trained in engineering or economics and devoted to the power of national planning; came to fore in offices of governments following World War II.)
  6. If you're a liberal, what will you do when the feds illegalize something you like? Nothing, of course, because you know they have your best interests in mind.
  7. This is the hell liberals want -- top-down control of our behavior in "our best interest."
  8. As our governments take over more than the half of health-care that they've already usurped in this country, arguments about the externalities of dangerous or self-destructive behavior will become ubiquitous (i.e. you can't be allowed to ride a bicycle without a helmet, white-water raft, drive seatbelt-less, or drink alcohol {what? you don't think that there are technocratic liberals who would like to prohibit alcohol?} because "society" has to pay for all of your health care.)
  9. A habit of thinking through consequences regulates most peoples' behavior when Big Brother doesn't try to cocoon them with legislation and taxes. These laws do the opposite. They infantilize us as badly as Medicare or whatever monstrosity we'll get out of Obama's push to take over medicine completely.