Here are my favorite YouTube clips of his interviews with Congressors:
- This with Harry Reid is Helfeld's most famous clip and this is of Reid saying that welfare was a failure.
- Iraq War booster Heather Wilson contradicts herself regarding how much of a threat S. Hussein is.
- This one with Pete Stark is saddening because he's the only out-atheist in Congress and I wanted to like him. It's impossible because besides showing many of the standard logical fallacies, he ends the interview by physically threatening Helfeld on tape and then (according to Helfeld) acting like a straight thug.
- This is of Nancy Pelosi on how she can justify not paying the minimum wage to her own employees when she is a huge fan of a minimum wage, and ends with a weird impromptu speech.
- These are of James Clyburn and John Lewis advocating for modern racism. Clyburn's self-contradictions are stark and hilarious.
- Here, Esteban Torres has one of his aids steal one of the interview tapes. A large court settlement followed.
- In this, Tom Daschle can't understand how making stuff "free" will cause people to use more of it.
In the UK the "public servants" must answer much more aggressive questions from much more aggressive people than Helfeld. Here, the "public servants" will go beyond churlish and into illegal and thuggish (literally) if they're asked questions they don't like by a calm, unthreatening interviewer. "Public servants" (especially from the ostensibly more open (D) side) should be ready for questions like Helfeld's, but they're not because our media spends most of its time tossing salad.