As the NY Times write-up of "the most unexpected" sideshow to the 2009 Health Care Debate put it: "Reaction from pro-reform Whole Foods shoppers was swift and vociferous."
Mackey is pro-reform, which is clear when one reads his WSJ Op-Ed. If his plan (which is similar to that prescribed by Milton Friedman) were enacted, the changes would be monumental. But for some liberals (such as Brian Beutler from the NYT article) if it's not in the direction of a single-payer system, it's not "reform." HuffPost should be able to field authors who can differentiate between different kinds of "reform." (Since 46% of healthcare in the US is paid for with tax dollars, it's not as if there's no room to increase the scope of the non-coerced market for health care.)
Now the Change To Win Investment Group and United Food And Commercial Workers Union -- both a part of the Change To Win federation of unions representing six million workers -- have put out statements criticizing Mackey and encouraging a boycott of the store.
This is about as likely to work as Bill O'Reilly's boycott of France over their aversion to the Iraq war. It's enlightening to see unions acting like BO'R, though.
CtW called for Mackey's removal as chairman of the board and CEO. "Mr. Mackey attempted to capitalize on the brand reputation of Whole Foods to champion his personal political views, but has instead deeply offended a key segment of Whole Foods consumer base," the group's executive director Bill Patterson said in a statement. UFCW has begun handing out pamphlets to Whole Food shoppers. The group said Mackey's op-ed was an "attempt to undermine Obama's health-care reform." (Whole Foods is not unionized.)
If liberals won't give the CEO of even a beloved chain a chance to describe non-Obamacare solutions, then they are as blinkered and reactionary as conservatives who still adore George Bush. Most liberals don't even know that wage fixing during WWII lead to our current health care system or how huge government interference already is. And if they shut up people like Mackey (as CtW and the UFCW want to) they never will.
Not everyone is so taken aback by Mackey's suggestions.
Why the italics? Every single libertarian and most conservatives would prefer Mackey's solutions to Obama's. To paraphrase: not everyone thinks that Obamacare will destroy America.
In the Washington Post, Kathleen Parker declared, "Now is the time for all good capitalists to shop at Whole Foods." Parker's sentiments are echoed by several conservative bloggers and journalists. Doug Bandow wrote in the American Conservative that "it is good to see at least one company stand on principle." Blogger Radley Balko of The Agitator blog strongly concurred: "I plan to do a lot more shopping at Whole Foods in the coming weeks."
The author can't make a simple differentiation between libertarian and conservative. Radley Balko used to work at Cato and now works at Reason, both famously libertarian organizations. For somone like the author, the distinction may not matter, or she can't figure out how to research his history.